Berlin-Tiergarten ドイツ

Kôrindô-Aikidô Berlin-Tiergarten ドイツ

Representative Andreas Richmann

Representative Joerg Freymann

Representative Andreas Pfeiffer

師範代Gerhard Hackner
Representatives — Gerhard Hackner (shihandai)
Rep.: Andreas Richmann, Joerg Freymann and Andreas Pfeiffer
Location — TSV GuthMuths Sportzentrum, Wullenweberstraße 15, 10555 Berlin-Tiergarten
Practice times — Tuesday and Friday 20:30 – 22.00
Condition — beginners and advanced, 14 years old and above
Contact — + 49 033768/20 125 (Andreas)
+ 49 (30) 39 74 38 13 (Joerg)
Homepage —